Alice in the Country of...

Alice in the Country of Hearts

Pick One:
Alice/Julius, Alice, Julius. A little surprise for Julius.

Blood/Alice, Alice, Blood. Shots fired.

Guns Blazing:
Alice, Blood. Alice's third gunfight of the week.

Ace/Alice/Julius, Alice, Julius, Ace. Ace joins in.

Morning After:
Blood/Alice, Alice, Blood. Alice thinks to slip away.

Alice in the Country of Clover

Her Smile:
Alice/Vivaldi, Alice, Vivaldi. Vivaldi's different smiles.

Deep Breaths:
Alice/Tweedledee/Tweedledum, Alice, Dee, Dum. Afterward, Alice tries to catch her breath.

Alice, Dee, Dum. "You're both covered in blood!"

Wondrous and Beautiful:
Alice/Vivaldi, Alice, Vivaldi. The first time Alice kissed Vivaldi.




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