Title: Mortar & Pestle
Fandom: Ancient Magus' Bride
Characters/Pairings: Elias, Chise
Summary: A sleepy Chise struggles not to pulverize poor, defenseless herbs during a lesson...
Notes: for luxken27's summer mini-challenge, 2015, 'lightly'

"Press lightly," Elias instructed, his hand firm but gentle over Chise's as he guided her through breaking up some dried herbs with a mortar and pestle. "Like this. We don't need them pulverized."

Chise nodded and tried to relax and feel the difference. She'd pulverized the last batch despite her best efforts and didn't think she was going to master the subtleties of pestle pressure any time soon.

The afternoon sun was warm and she couldn't help being a bit drowsy, which also wasn't helping. But she didn't want the lesson to end. Even with a pile of woolybugs waiting to curl up with her... And Elias pressed close against her back, his voice calm and...



"Is it time for a break?"

There was little reason to hide anything from Elias and softly, Chise nodded against him. Warm, strong... They left the herbs on the table as Elias scooped her up into his arms and carried her to her bed.

"I'll wake you for dinner," Elias said as he spread a thick blanket over her and a pair of woolybugs that quickly burrowed themselves free.

Chise was sure she said something, even though her eyes were already quite heavy. The words weren't important, though. Not as she squeezed his hand lightly, gently, yet not wanting to let go.




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