Title: Parchment
Fandom: Brave Nine
Characters/Pairings: Lumen, Dwen, Jan
Summary: Aftermath.
Notes: for small_fandoms, 'parchment'
Lumen unrolled the parchment, which was really just a scrap compared to what it could be, not at all surprised by the unusual energy emanating from it. But, and he'd let Dwen and Jan continue their half-wary staring for a bit longer, it wasn't anything that couldn't be neutralized easily enough.
The sigil wasn't quite right, after all, and the spelling was poor, never mind that the general potential of whoever had made the attempt wasn't enough to...
Well, it was good that it hadn't been activated, at least, unless-
Lumen looked at Dwen and Jan.
They'd already cleaned up.