Title: Survival
Fandom: Brave Nine
Characters/Pairings: Arines, etc.
Summary: If only everyone could know what she did...
Notes: for anythingdrabble, 'dense'

Arines flopped down beside Rigenette and Maria at the edge of the clearing they'd chosen for their camp. Rigenette was sorting arrows, Maria was munching on leftover biscuits she'd scavenged from somewhere, and Arines...

Well, Arines decided to forego the latest book she'd traded for in order to watch Beatricé and Carlson spar both verbally and physically. They were perfect for each other, except they were both too dense to realize it.

But she could imagine how they would finally figure it out, and wouldn't it be grand?

If they survived all of this...

They had to do that first.




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