Title: Flames
Fandom: Granblue Fantasy
Characters/Pairings: Teena, Percival
Summary: "We're being followed."
Notes: for 100words, 'fire'

"We're being followed," Percival said without looking back.

Teena frowned and wheeled around, and sure enough, there was a familiar face ducking into an alleyway.

She sighed and doubled a couple of steps to catch back up with Percival.

"I told him we're just training together and that it's something mages do." Teena shook her head. "It was like this when I spent time comparing technique with Elmott, too. I don't even know what kind of meddling this is supposed to be!"

And honestly, her only interest in Percival was his fire...

Percival smiled.

"I also have an older brother."




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