Title: Happy Endings
Fandom: Over the Rainbow
Characters/Pairings: Bouya Arou, Daigo Keita, Key
Summary: Good news abounds.
Notes: for drabblesoup, 'over the rainbow', ~2021

"After two years of recovery and preparation for this very day, Saki Momose has returned to racing, folks. She'll be starting this race in--"


Both Keita and Arou turned from the small television they'd nearly been pressed against to see what had Key's attention.

Across the room, Kyoko was clutching an envelope and beaming.

"We've been invited to a wedding!" she explained, and for a brief moment, the television was forgotten.

"Mr. Sega and Ms. Koyama are getting married this summer," Key continued, giving details quickly.

And then Keita glanced back to the television, and Saki, and--

Just maybe...




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