Title: Three Show Tour
Fandom: Over the Rainbow
Characters/Pairings: Ensemble
Summary: Things were still getting better.
Notes: for 100words, 'tour', post-canon

"A tour?" Keita asked, looking at Key and the letter she was holding.

"Three shows at different shopping centers," she continued, beaming. "Shige is going to have so much fun. Ms. Koyama- ah, -Ms. Sega even says he has a couple of new songs to debut."

"I'm guessing we're all invited?" Arou questioned from his desk.

Key nodded and then stared not at him but at Keita. "You should bring Toru. They're weekend shows so he won't miss school."

Keita nodded. Toru had known the Grasshopper song, after all.

Things were still getting better.

He'd have to invite Saki, too.




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