Title: Pleas
Fandom: Valiant Force Series
Characters/Pairings: Darrion, Emma, Nefariel
Summary: Darrion finds Nefariel and Emma.
Notes: Post-VF2. for anythingdrabble, 'hot'

The day was not particularly warm but Darrion was hot in his armor, though he wasn't about to admit he was nervous.

He had not expected Nefariel and Emma to look so... Normal. They looked normal and almost kind of cute. Darrion didn't miss the way Nefariel held Emma's hand, even as they stared at him with great curiosity.

Darrion couldn't blame them. He'd arrived unannounced and they'd not been easy to find. But now he needed help from his worst enemies.

His very normal worst enemies.

He winced and took a deep breath and...

"Please. Leon needs your help."




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