Title: The Plot-So-Far
Fandom: World Flipper
Characters/Pairings: Albert/Claw, Albert, Claw
Summary: A little time before a meeting.
Notes: for 100Fandoms, 040 'Share'

Albert always knew where to find Claw without asking and offered the guard near the library door nothing more than an acknowledging nod. Later, he and Claw had a joint-construction project to discuss, but for the time being...

Claw had a pile of books beside him on a library sofa and was grinning at whatever he was reading. For a moment, Albert just watched him and debated whether to even interrupt.

His decision was made for him when Claw glanced up after turning a page.

"Hey, I wondered if you were going to drop by early. Have you read this one? If not, you should..."

By the time Claw had finished recapping the plot-so-far, Albert wasn't sure he'd need to read it, but he was happy that Claw was happy.

"Wait, it's not that late, is it?" Claw questioned, when he'd finished. "I do have all the paperwork ready, but..."

"No," Albert admitted quickly. "I just came to see you."

Things had been busy and they hadn't had much time together in... unofficial capacities.

"Well, have a seat. I can share," Claw said, gesturing before realizing the space beside him was all books. Laughing, he shoved them over to make enough room for Albert.

Albert sat, close, not at all complaining, and after a quiet moment they both relaxed.

"It's been awhile, hasn't it?" Claw said. "I have so many things to tell you about that I don't know where to begin."

"How about the part without words?" Albert suggested quietly, his snout nearly against Claw's neck.

They'd have time for talking later.

Claw immediately accepted his proposal.




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