Title: Overwhelming
Fandom: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
Characters/Pairings: Duane, Lasswell
Summary: A small chance to relax.
Notes: for ffprompts, January 2024, 'communal'

Duane stepped into the men's communal bath, a little unsure of himself. He was still used to being alone, or at least left alone. He could hear noise from the women's bath, muted, but he wasn't concerned with that. He just...

The only other person soaking, however, was Lasswell, and Duane caught the little smile that crossed Lasswell's face when he settled into the water. It was hot, but not too hot. It wouldn't overwhelm him, not if he didn't stay in too long.

But a good soak, after the last few days...

It was difficult not to smile himself.




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