Title: Tales
Fandom: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
Characters/Pairings: Clyne/Duane
Summary: Stories told with words, stories told without.
Notes: for December's Final Fantasy Prompts - 'tournament'
"Once, there was a tournament," Clyne began, as he and Duane settled into bed, clean from a much-needed hot bath.
Duane listened, always curious to learn more about his unexpected companion. It was not a sad story that Clyne told, but instead one that actually had quite a few upbeat and funny moments, and Duane couldn't help but smile.
Clyne echoed the smile, even after he'd finished the tale and pulled Duane close. They'd lucked into their own room for the night...
"Once," Duane said softly.
Though the tale he then told of finding someone was not done with words.