Title: A Summons
Fandom: War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
Characters/Pairings: Lasswell, Duane
Summary: A familiar face.
Notes: for 100words, 'surprise'

"Duane?" Lasswell couldn't keep the surprise from his voice. The growing number of familiar faces in Ardra- Visions one and all -probably shouldn't have shocked him, but...

"Do I know you?" Duane asked softly.

"Yes, and no," Lasswell replied. He knew what he was, and this time he was just the same as Duane.

"I feel like I know you," Duane continued, his voice softer still.

"There'll be time to explain." No doubt about that. They'd both been summoned into quite the adventure.

"Then I'll do what I can. I understand now..."

"I know," Lasswell said. "Trust me, I know."




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