Title: Starlight
Fandom: War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
Characters/Pairings: Ramada, Lilyth
Summary: Stargazing.
Notes: for 31 Days, November 4 2020/the brightest lights in the darkest skies

"Anything I should know about?"

"Not tonight," Ramada replied as she turned to watch Lilyth's approach. In nights to come, yes; but those whispers were still vague, though, and could not be acted upon with any certainty, if they could be acted upon at all.

She'd been stargazing, of course, but merely that. The time, the season-- Ramada was simply orienting herself, and relaxing a bit.

While she could.

It was not Lilyth's hand on her shoulder that made her shiver.


"Tonight will be a good night," Ramada replied. That much, she definitely knew.

But what was to come?




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