Title: Tactics
Fandom: Fire Emblem Heroes
Characters/Pairings: Robin, etc.
Summary: A scenario
Notes: for 31 Days, Jan 9, 2022 - Today I learned that morality is relative!

Robin set the last piece onto the map he'd made and then stepped back, quiet. Gathered around the table were a dozen other tacticians and aides, all carefully considering the scenario he'd created and explained.

He hadn't made it easy, but in his opinion he'd made it winnable.

Of course, winnable would be different for all of them. Speed, efficiency, loss-of-life, loss-of-supplies... Robin thought he knew the group well but he was sure there would be different decisions, different arguments...

They each priorities, different morals and ethics, different goals...

Robin smiled.

Surely he'd learn something from this exercise as well.




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