Title: Celebrations
Fandom: Granblue Fantasy
Characters/Pairings: Yuel/Societte
Summary: A new dance.
Notes: drabble, for skysedge

Two more steps, a clap, and a faint jingle of bells and it was over.

Grinning, Yuel looked to Societte, who echoed her smile.

"I think we got it that time!" Yuel laughed. It had only taken them most of a morning to stop bumping into each other, and that was after a full day of debating the complicated steps they'd seen performed at a festival.

"I think we did," Societte confirmed.

It wasn't their dance, but they'd both immediately wanted to try it.

"Let's celebrate," Yuel added, reaching to pull Societte close.

Societte closed her eyes.

Together, they celebrated.




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