Title: Hot Day, Last Words
Fandom: Granblue Fantasy
Characters/Pairings: Zeta, Vaseraga
Summary: It was going to be like that, like always.
Notes: for taichara

"Absolutely not."

Zeta wasn't actually surprised that they had made it all the way to Auguste and Vaseraga hadn't shed a single layer. Actually, he'd added one. Because there, in the glorious warm sun, Vaseraga was also wearing a shirt.

"You'll roast," she added. She had shorts on over her swim bottoms but those could go sooner than later.

"The heat won't bother me," Vaseraga reminded her and Zeta just sighed. They needed to get in a boat and Zeta knew their luck.

Well, she'd get an 'I told you so' out of it.

And he'd probably need to strip.




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