Title: Hallowhome
Series: Iscariot Stories
Characters/Pairings: Seth Aurodem, Amde Hisano
Summary: Seth goes home and wonders where 'home' really is.
Notes: For 31_days, August 19 2020/stray from the hallow ground

Seth closed his eyes, unwilling to keep staring up at the ceiling that had once been painted a pale green and decorated with strings of white fairy lights shaped like stars.

He hadn't asked what had happened to the lights. His mothers had apparently repainted not after he'd graduated from NIN-ANA but after he'd returned to it with a nursing degree.

It was not his room, just a guest room, neutral in as many ways as it could be. The shapes were all familiar- the trim around the window, the closet too close to the door... Everything else was different. The walls were a pale blue, the ceiling white, the thick comforter on the bed beneath him a dozen unobtrusive shades of beige...

The whole day had been exhausting. The week had. When Doc Amde had playfully offered an emergency of his choosing to need to return for, he'd laughed it off. Now, Seth almost wondered if he wouldn't mind. It felt a little too weird to finally be home, but to only be a guest.

He'd seen dozens of relatives, visited too many graves, seen all the children born, been called his old name-- And the wedding was still days away.

But, for all the things he'd missed, he'd been able to take some time to participate in his brother's wedding. Neither Doc Amde nor Commander Varuna had done anything other than offer assistance when he'd hesitantly questioned the option. (Of course, Commander Varuna had also asked whether he'd needed his Emeralde and no, Seth most certainly did not. His brother's fiancee seemed to be utterly wonderful.)

Still, it felt as odd to be away from NIN-ANA as it did to be a guest in his own bedroom.

He rolled onto his side, unsure if he wanted to fall asleep or not. His mothers would probably fuss, but he was getting used to that again. He was fairly sure he'd used up the allotted number of times he could claim time differences, too.

His left leg wheezed a bit and Seth adjusted until it was comfortable. Doc Amde had packed him far more than he'd ever need to take care of it, but he appreciated the thought. His family had expected him to still be awkward and frustrated, but he'd probably been past that before the lights on the ceiling had come down. Years had passed...

There was a soft chime from somewhere behind him and slowly, Seth rolled again to grab for his datapad.

He didn't recognize the name of the sender, but the message was from the colony's NIN-ANA recruiter, asking if he might have time for lunch. Well, that was a tempting offer... He would have a bit of time, he thought, and replied as such.

And then he messaged Doc Amde, just because, despite being sure he'd get her usual 'away' message. That was fine as well.

Aurodem: [Home is complicated, isn't it?]

Doc A: [It isn't singular, either.]

Doc A: [How are things?]

Aurodem: [Busy. Good. Mildly beige. Exhausting.]

Doc A: [I'm glad. Get some rest, if you can.]

Aurodem: [I will.]

Datapad aside, Seth pushed his feathery hair from his face and closed his eyes again. He would take the fussing with stride.

And until he could return to NIN-ANA, he was home.




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