Title: Words, Needs
Fandom: Emperors SaGa
Characters/Pairings: Rocbouquet/Silver Emperor
Summary: Now is not the time for words.
Notes: Drabble. Content note for the potential fuckery of this ship.
for poetry_fiction, July 4, 2023- Richard Siken, Scheherazade
"Tell me how all this, and love too, will ruin us."

Rocbouquet reached and wove her fingers into silver fluff.

You feel like Noel, she did not say.

This is wrong, she did not say.

You are an emperor. But you are so much more than that!

The words didn't come.

Not when she was beside him; and not when he kissed her and made her forget, just for a moment, how everything had gotten to that point.

You feel like Wagnas, she did not say.

There would need to be an end. Rocbouquet knew that. Surely the silver-haired emperor who held her close knew that.

The words could come later.




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