Title: Hanging Around
Fandom: Romancing SaGa Re;univerSe
Characters/Pairings: Monika, Mikhail
Summary: Old things.
Notes: for 31 Days, September 5, 2002/ "I approve"

"I heard you were looking for some old possessions," Mikhail said when he finally found Monika deep in the castle's storage.

"Not just our things, but everything," Monika replied. "I wondered what there was, between us and now."

"Have you found anything familiar?" Mikhail wasn't sure if he wanted to know.

"A couple of things, but I also found a bunch of paintings." Monika's smiled turned wicked. "You should see what someone thought you looked like about a hundred years ago.

"I mean, you will see it. I already approved it to be hung."

And Mikhail turned quickly to go.




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