Title: Shared Joy
Fandom: Romancing SaGa Re;univerSe
Characters/Pairings: Schirach, Myriam, Rocbouquet, Monika
Summary: Lunch.
Notes: for small-fandoms, 'cream'

Schirach hesitated for a moment before sitting down in the last chair of four at the table.

"We're going to order everything," Rocbouquet explained as she reached to grab a small, cream-colored vase of bright flowers from the middle of the table and set it off to the side. "That's the best way to do this."

"She's right, Monika added with a little giggle. "Pick some things that sound tasty to you, too..."

"It's all good," Myriam assured Schirach, before Rocbouquet could begin on the virtues of the squid-

And that's how an evil god discovered the joy of sushi.




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