Title: About the Sky
Series: Agassia Stories
Characters/Pairings: Minewin/Ethan
Summary: Both a lesson in and a night under the stars.
Notes: For Smut Month.

Finally, they had gotten away from the daily bustle of the castle and made it to the wilderness, alone and comfortable in a small clearing. The trees parted just enough to let the pair see the stars above, dancing and twinkling.

"Do you know what's up there?" Minew-in asked, putting an arm around Ethan's already bare shoulders and using the other to point upward.

"Stars," Ethan said, smiling.

"And more," Minew-in explained. "I know that you never learned many of the stories of the elders, but you should know that the greatest goddess herself is the Sky. She looks over everything, both this world and the world beyond."

"The sky is a goddess?"

"Yes," Minew-in said. "And dancing for her is a goddess named Star, the wife of Night himself."

"So beautiful," Ethan commented, not looking away from the shimmering paths that crossed the sky even as Minew-in began trailing kisses where his arm had been.


"Don't worry," Minew-in replied. "They may be up there, but don't think of them as watching."

Ethan started laughing. "I hadn't even thought of that!"


Hushed as he was pushed down onto their shared bedroll, Ethan quickly let his pants be removed. They hadn't been tight anyway, not after their evening bath down in the spring. And Minew-in was amazingly adept at undressing.

Where Ethan thought he would be sore, he was not, and he was thankful as his body gave to Minew-in's arousal, responding quickly in turn.

Looking up at the sky, Ethan watched the stars softly twinkling for as long as he could, before pleasure washed over him in waves and he had to close his eyes, the only stars being those of blissful white. Even in the cooling evening air, Minew-in's hands were still warm and Ethan was nearly paralyzed when they wrapped around his erection.

Not more than a handful of minutes later, Ethan cried out and lost himself in orgasm, breaking the still silence of the woods and the calmness of the sky. Moments later, Minew-in joined him in climax, holding Ethan close and blocking Ethan's wide-eyed view of the stars.

Clinging together, unwilling to move, Ethan found himself sure of one thing: This was the love he had been seeking. He would never let go.




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