Agassia, also known as 'Dark Magick', has been around in some form or other since 1995. At its heart, it's a portal fantasy, though many of the stories are about the residents and past of Agassia, independent of their interactions with world-hoppers Cassandra and her son Ethan. Unsurprisingly, Agassia has grown and evolved over the last thirty years. The stories in this Agassia Stories section reflect this and may loudly contradict one another and current 'canon'. At the moment, they're organized as V.0, which is loosely canon for every iteration, V.1 from 1995 (unposted), V.2 from ~2003-~2013, and V.3 from ~2014 onward.
Early Agassia V.0
One Last Battle
Jameson/Daryn. Ko'al James is needed for one last battle. General Daryn doesn't expect the tables to be turned when he goes for a visit.
The Northland
Daryn/Night. For a tale about the South, it certainly has a strange name. Early-Agassia, before the boredom, before the corruption, and as much about Daryn as it is about a great future king. 
Twilight and Night (Unposted)
The Ring
Daryn/Night. An unexpected visitor arrives at the Eastern castle. While his wife is overjoyed, Night isn't entirely sure how to handle Daryn's presence. However, Star knows that her husband and father were once in the Northland Army together... 
Summer Night
Kee/Night. Kee and Night have a moment or three on a warm Ruame summer's eve. 
Kee/Night, Night, Kee. Night, posing for a portrait... of sorts. 
Dayn, Sannalin. Sannal-in and the slow corruption of the Lifegod.
Sannalin. Sannal-in is want of a bucket and purpose.
No Creature With Wings
Dayn/Kysenn, Kysenn. The last costume ball in Nragser...
Jameson/Kysenn, Jameson, Kysenn, Daria. A bored goddess gives Jameson an interesting task.
Second Loves
Locca, Erutana/Locca. There are frustrations that come with being the youngest of 'the group' and still be on her initial lifetime, Locca realizes.
Darina. Darina hunts.
Daria, Jameson. Daria needs help finding a guilty party.
Tales of Two Priests
Ri'za-in. Ri'za-in makes his way to Nragser.
Two Priests
Ri'za-in, Dayn. Ri'za-in's life changes yet again.
Beautiful White
Dayn/Kysenn, Riza-in, Light, Taoura. Kysenn wished to be anywhere but-- and Dayn takes advantage.
Dayn/Riza-in. Kysenn offers his student, and Ri'za-in learns just how immortality is gained from a corrupt god. 
Taoura, Kysenn. Kysenn is reminded that emotion comes with contact.
Dayn/Kysenn. Dayn conducts business as usual. Kysenn takes the bait.
Jarratt, etc. Elsewhere, things begin.
Righted Wrongs
Daryn/Pashalk. Death finds many uses for those bound to her. And though Daryn searches for High Priest Jameson, he finds only a servant, Pashalk.
Jameson/Pashalk. Pashalk finds unexpected release.
Pashalk/??. Sinking farther.
Nairi Calinthrell and The Man Who Was Buried Alive!
Nairi, Taros. In which Taros Kildiring is buried alive and has a conversation with Nairi Calinthrell and her partner.
Pashalk, Anda Calinthrell. Pashalk takes a new partner, revealing his past along the way.
Come to Me
Daria. Another year passes - Daria calls her future priestesses from the world.
Onala, Tormika, Daria. Onala answers prayers.
Dark Magick V.1
Later Agassia V.2
Minew-in, Sine. Minew-in makes a new friend. Or, well, receives one.
Minewin/Sine. A young man and his Spectir.
Sine. Sine may lack a soul, but he has motivations of his own.
Dark Magic: Alternate
Cassandra & Ethan. Not really the opening, but more an introduction to two characters with fates more intertwined than just mother and son. Of course, when both end up in Agassia desperately seeking each other through a haze of confusion, the gods have ideas of their own.
Ethan, Minewin, Sine, implied-Minewin/Sine. Ethan thinks too much.
Sine & Ethan. Somehow the Truth is annoyingly unforthcoming.
A Joke?
Minewin/Ethan. Triumph for Ethan can't be more than bittersweet for Sine.
Spiral Stairs
Minewin/Ethan, Ethan, Minewin. Ethan attempts upwards, goes downwards...
.Siren Song.
Minewin/Ethan. Ethan draws him in.
About the Sky
Minewin/Ethan. But really, where do gods go when they die? If they die.
The Missing Goddess
Minewin/Ethan. Before battle, the General finds shelter.
Stone Steps
Minewin & Locca. Locca sends Minewin to walk.
Ethan, Minewin. What was not meant to be.
Pashalk, Ethan. Pashalk can't get certain things out of his mind.
Another Conclusion
Ethan, Jameson. Preparing for Festival, or not.
Daryn's Desire
Daryn/Ethan, Sannalin, Pashalk. Daliances with a demigod.
Daryn/Ethan. Ethan thinks he has found something real with Daryn.
Cassandra, Ethan. Cassandra has something to tell Ethan.
??/Ethan. Ethan meets a knight of the East.
Sannalin/Ethan. When everything is nothing.
Truth is Hard
Daryn/Sine. A simple chat.
Minewin & Sine. Ten years later.
Pashalk, Ethan. Really, Ethan, what have you done?
Ko'al James & The Northland (Unposted)
And Kneel
Minewin, Ethan, Daria. Ethan meets Minewin again. And the world changes.
Tula Stories
Implied Tula/Ethan. Tula gets not many guests.
Tula. And waiting for returns.
Little Iron Box
Tula, Ethan, Implied Tula/Ethan. Tula tells a tale best left to the ages.
Tula, Tula/Kalin. Tula goes home only to find that while some things change, some stay the same.
Tula. Tula, on belongings, belonging, places and places to belong.
Later Agassia V.3
Marac & Minewin. Minewin arrives just in time for the rainy season.
Marac & Minewin. Minewin questions the authenticity of some of Nightstar's sword collection. Marac facepalms.
Marac. Marac searches for an heir.