Title: Ketere
Series: Agassia Stories
Characters/Pairings: Onala, Daria, Tormika
Summary: Onala answers prayers.
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Her long robes cling to her arms and legs as she crawls up onto the desolate beach. It is a warm, dark night in the deepest South, though temperature bothers her little.
The task for the evening is grim - a rarity - but it is an answer to the prayers of her devout, and a request she can grant.
She has strung them as best she can and gathered them into a net. Her catch, however, is no bounty. There will be no celebration.
As she pulls them to shore, there is a breeze and then Tormika at her side, hands on the rope beside hers. And then Daria, dark as the night, joining in as well.
Not a one of them speaks a word - not a one apologizes or offers thanks.
In silence, they complete the task and then, without looking back, Daria walks back into the shadows and Tormika vanishes into the wind.
And Onala, the Ocean alone, walks back into the sea to disappear beneath her waves.
When the sun rises, there are only cries of sorrow at first - the thanks comes later, for this is the only way their prayer could have been answered and they know...
The crew of the great ship Ketere, lost in the last storm, has been returned.