Title: Ticking
Fandom: Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross
Characters/Pairings: Jeanne, Jeanne/Seifriet
Summary: Post-series. Jeanne waits and wonders and wishes.
Notes: Originally posted September 20th, 2015.
for luxken27's summer mini-challenge, 'clock'.

Jeanne sighed and glanced over at the clock. Three hours to finish up the report she hadn't even thought about starting to write or else she'd be tossed into a cell overnight to write it. When she'd first been given the option, she'd almost taken it on the spot. At least she wouldn't have distractions...

No, she'd still be distracted. That was her problem, even weeks later, even after keeping a smile on her face during the day while helping with refugees and rebuilding.

"You're not supposed to kiss me like that and then die," Jeanne muttered as she put her head down on her folded arms. Where was she even supposed to begin? How could she begin to distill everything down into a simple report?

Five minutes passed as she stared balefully at the clock, her head still down. No one ever liked her succinct, honest reports. Something wordy would probably be worse. Maybe if she worked backwards, with Seifriet... with Seifriet...

She sighed again. This was when he should come back, bandaged but whole, knocking at her door but not waiting before coming in. He'd get halfway through an apology and...

No, he wouldn't be sorry. He'd...

He'd wonder what he was supposed to do and Jeanne would promise to help and...

Jeanne looked at the clock. She'd lost five more minutes. At this rate, she might as well just march down to find Lana and see if her usual cell had even survived.

One report. Actions, information, reactions, a timeline... It wouldn't be hard. She just had to...

She'd told everyone she was absolutely not to be bothered.

"Someone needs to come bother me."

Five more minutes passed, during which Jeanne stared at the ceiling and tried to balance a pencil on her nose. She leaned her chair back, debated getting a drink, and...

There was a soft knock at the door, but before Jeanne could remind her visitor the rules, it opened.

And she was given an extension on the report - fitting, really, since suddenly it was going to have a new ending.




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